Course Program

The Dr. Rosita Leong Mini-Medical School course will include ten hours of concentrated and interactive classroom learning led by informed, engaging experts over five consecutive Saturday mornings from 9am–11:30am. The John A. Burns School of Medicine, 651 Ilalo Street, University of Hawaiʻi Mānoa, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96813 will be presenting the class in the Sullivan Conference Center, UH Cancer Center.

The topics in the course include ten different topics on healthy aging, ranging from understanding normal changes during aging to making lifestyle and health decisions that will enable us to thrive during this time in our lives. The information will be geared to current and future seniors, but there is no age limit - it is important to start early with healthy choices. Participants are expected to make a commitment to attend all sessions, since seating is limited. The course will conclude with a special ceremony to celebrate everyone's commitment to healthy aging.

This will be an active learning course, with lectures, question and answer periods and relevant resources provided - and, as students, we will have homework as well! Participants will have the opportunity to learn the scientific reasons for changes related to aging, along with advances in addressing those issues. One aim is that participants will adopt at least one idea from each class that they can use to enhance their own health and well-being. Be assured that there will also be discussions on both the opportunities and challenges for seniors - there are both! This Mini-Medical School course is designed to bring our ʻohana together to share in the joy of learning.

Download the Course Schedule


"Thank you for the opportunity to learn from experts in the field. "
"Thank you. The course is an excellent opportunity to expand my knowledge on healthy aging to care for my loved ones and myself. "
speaker giving talk