
Spring/Fall 2017

music therapy graphic

Introduction to Music Therapy

Introduction to Music Therapy (13:36)
Virginia S. Hinshaw, Ph.D.
Chancellor Emeritus, Professor of Tropical Medicine,
Medical Microbiology and Pharmacology
silver foxes performance group

The Silver Foxes (Full Performance)

The Silver Foxes (Full Performance) (33:32)
Intro by Virginia S. Hinshaw, Ph.D.
Chancellor Emeritus, Professor of Tropical Medicine,
Medical Microbiology and Pharmacology
tapping into creativity

Tapping into Your Creativity at Any Age

Tapping into Your Creativity at Any Age (33:28)
Lori Phillips, Ed.D.
Director, Pacific Center for Arts and Humanities in Education,
Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL)
urinary incontinence diagram

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary Incontinence (44:30)
Kamal Masaki, M.D.
Director, Geriatric Medicine,
John A. Burns School of Medicine


vertigo graphic

Vertigo, Anyone?

Vertigo, Anyone? (38:09)
Lawrence Burgess, M.D.
Professor of Surgery
Director, Medical Student Education in Surgery,
John A. Burns School of Medicine
retirees with grand kids


Life Forward - Clarifying your Purpose and Calling in your Pro-tirement. (44:24)
Mr. Craig Chong
President, Fresh Leadership,
Executive & Life Planning Coach, "The Cycle of Renewal"
bathroom sink and mirror

Staying in Your Home Safely

Make modifications to your home to allow you, as a senior, to stay in your home safely and longer. (47:40)
Mr. Michael Dowell
Chairman of Fall Prevention Consortium - State of Hawaiʻi
Executive Certification in Home Modifications, Certified Age in Place Specialist
diabetes finger reading

Diabetes 101

Diabetes 101 (51:27)
Sophia Hox, O.D.
VA Pacific Islands Health Care System,
Investigator at Pacific Health Research & Education Institute
man giving woman a piggyback ride

Healthy Traveling?

Immunizations and other preventative measures you should take when traveling internationally, and health issues you need to be aware of. (44:40)
Michael Kusaka, MD
Straub Travel Medicine Clinic
Director, Straub Occupatoinal Health Services
Straub Clinic & Hospital
dentist holding a teeth model

Exciting Advances in Dental Medicine!

Overview of the latest material and technological advances in dental medicine. (50:58)
Rohinton J. Patel, DMD
Adjunct Clinical Professor, Boston University School of Dental Medicine
Director, Hawaiʻi Pacific Dental Group, Inc.
couple driving in a car

Driver Tips Every Senior Should Know

How senior drivers can maintain and analzye their driving skills, seek help and know when to hang up their keys. (42:40)
Cora Rillero Speck, MS, MBA
Coordinator of Trauma Injury Prevention & Outreach
The Queen's Medical Center

Spring/Fall 2016

campfire on the beach

Learning from the Life Stories of our Kapuna (Graduation Speech for Mini-Med School)

Maenette Benham, Ph.D.
Chancellor, University of Hawaiʻi - West Oʻahu
woman taking selfie photo

Manuevering Through Major Life Transactions

Maneuvering through life transitions for seniors: retirement, heath, home, family and gratitude.(17:32)
Virginia S. Hinshaw, Ph.D.
Chancellor Emeritus, Professor of Tropical Medicine,
Medical Microbiology and Pharmacology
pill and supplements

Using Medications the Right Way

Discussion on key issues in geriatric pharmacology. Effects, risks, and drug interactions on the aging body. (53:18)
Kamal Masaki, MD
Professor and Chair
Department of Geriatric Medicine
John A. Burns School of Medicine
wife taking temperature of her husband's forehead

Living Longer and Better: The Secret of Palliative Care

Discussion on the variety of needs of people living with serious illness, description of palliative care, benefits of palliative care, and advance care planning. (35:27)
Daniel Fischberg, MD, PhD, FAAHPM
Professor/Chief, Division of Palliative Medicine, Dept. of Geriatric Medicine, JABSOM, Medical Director, Pain & Palliative Care Department, The Queen's Medical Center
plates of healthy food

Creating a Healthy Diet

Discussion on the importance of essential nutrients, guidelines for a healthy diet, and the importance of exercise for healthy aging. (46:51)
Joannie Dobbs, PhD, CNS
Assistant Specialist, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
woman sleeping on a couch

Sleeping through the Ages

The basics of sleep physiology and changes that occur with aging. Common sleep disorders are also discussed. (47:29)
Bruce Soll, MD
Clinical Professor of Medicine, JABSOM, Research Director of the Queen's Sleep Center

Spring/Fall 2015

caregiving at beach

Caregiving: A Legacy of Dignity and Compassion

Discussion on caregiving though positivity, humor, and poetry. (51:29)
Frances Kakugawa
Author, Columnist (Hawaiʻi Herald), Talks with Frances (iAGE Spectrum Channel)

Spring/Fall 2014

wife hand feeding husband healthy food

Overview of Geriatrics - Mini-Talk

Overview of what geriatrics is and why it is important. (8:32)
Kamal Masaki, MD
Professor and Chair
Department of Geriatric Medicine
John A. Burns School of Medicine
wife hand feeding husband healthy food

Overview of Geriatrics - Full Lecture

Overview of Geriatrics and Normal Changes of Aging. (47:43)
Kamal Masaki, MD
Professor and Chair
Department of Geriatric Medicine
John A. Burns School of Medicine
woman in a cornfield

When Your Mind Works And When It Doesn't

Discussion on common functional brain changes with normal aging versus functional brain changes due to brain diseases. (44:13)
Patricia Lanoie Blanchette, MD, MPH
Clinical Professor
Department of Geriatric Medicine
Interim Associate Dean of Medical Education
John A. Burns School of Medicine
patient receiving vaccination

Vaccines You Should Get and Why! - Mini-Talk

Discussion of vaccines recommended for healthy aging. (8:40)
Virginia S. Hinshaw, PhD
Chancellor Emeritus
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Professor of Tropical Medicine, Medical Microbiology and Pharmacology
John A. Burns School of Medicine
patient receiving vaccination

Vaccines You Should Get and Why! - Full Lecture

Discussion of vaccines recommended for healthy aging. (40:27)
Virginia S. Hinshaw, PhD
Chancellor Emeritus
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Professor of Tropical Medicine, Medical Microbiology and Pharmacology
John A. Burns School of Medicine
couple with flowers

Caregiving and Palliative Care

Tips on caregiving and overview of palliative care. (6:59)
Ritabelle Fernandes, MD, MPH, FACP
Assoc. Professor, Geriatric Medicine
John A. Burns School of Medicine
Medical Director
Bristol Hospice
couple of surfers

Health Promoting Strategies: The Importance of Staying Active

Health benefits of physical activity and active lifestyles. (7:25)
Joseph Keaweʻaimoku Kaholokula, PhD
Professor and Chair
Department of Native Hawaiian Health
John A. Burns School of Medicine
pills on a table

Geriatric Pharmacology

Physiologic changes associated with normal aging in relation to drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. (58:41)
Shari L. Kogan, MD, FACP
Clinical Associate Professor, Geriatric Medicine
John A. Burns School of Medicine
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
rice farmer in rice field

Healthy at 100, Genetic vs. Lifestyle Factors

Genetic and lifestyle factors in longevity and aging. (14:48)
Bradely J. Willcox, MD, MSc
Professor and Director of Research
Department of Geriatric Medicine
John A. Burns School of Medicine
sage plants

SAGE Wisdom

SAGE wisdom and advice for healthy aging. S - Stay Serene, A - Advanced health Care Directives, G - Get a Plan for the Future, E - Exercise. (22:14)
Valisa Saunders, MN, APRN, GNP-BC
Geriatric Nurse Practitioner
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Schools of Nursing & Medicine
Hawaiʻi Health Systems Corporation
grandfather holding grandson

Gratitude and Healthy Aging

What is gratitude, how to live a grateful life, and benefits of gratitude. (7:07)
Noreen Mokuau, DSW
Dean and Professor
Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Interactive Option